Saturday, February 10, 2018

Keep Your Eye on the Year 2030

I remember a song from back in the mid 60's called 25-25. It was referencing the future of the year 2525. It scared me. I mean as a 12 year old it kinda put a fear in me. Although I knew deep down inside I wouldn't be around in 558 years my future, it still frightened me.

Fast forward to 2018.

Now we are focusing on twelve years into our very near future, 2030. Sounds futuristic doesn't it? In the movie Star Trek TNG, First Contact, the first warp engine was invented in the year 2063. That's just 33 years away. (I wonder if we will have faster than light speed travel in just 33 years? LOL)

But that's just sci-fi.

But what is coming in 2030 is as real as it gets - no science fiction here.

Most state governments are projecting that by the year 2030, obesity rates are going to be out of control and near epidemic. And along side that projected expansion is diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and obesity related cancers.

This is real.

Unfortunately, I have yet to see any state government, on any of their state sponsored web pages offer a clear way forward. They have a lot of services and programs in place but they aren't working. If they were, they wouldn't have all these horrible projections facing their citizens.

Kentucky alone (for example) has a state wide obesity rate of over 33% and by the year 2030 it is projected that just a little over 60% of the population will be obese. In measurment terms, that is a BMI of 30 or above. And Tennesse isn't fairing any better. It is projected to be about the same as Kentucky. And according to the most recent data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35 percent in five states, 30 percent in 25 states and 25 percent in 46 states.

Did you know that prior to twenty years ago no state had an obesity issue of over 15%. And prior to that, the early 70's, Kentucky had an extremely low obesity rate, around 10-12%.

So What the heck happened?

I could muse on this for hours and offer you a grand dispensation on how the events just after the late 60's led to our current health condition of today. And for the most part, much of what I would share would be right. But it doesn't make a difference. Not now...not today.

What does make a difference is, "What are YOU going to do about your health and wellness?"

We see that government funded programs look good on paper and a lot of money is spent on these programs and keeps a lot of people in the state governments employed. But really, it doesn't help in the direct fight against obesity and its related diseases. I support much of the programs these states fund - they are important. Programs such as school activity, breast feeding, farmers markets, rails to trails, free access to public gyms for basketball and other activities - they are all good but they do not directly address the issues of obesity and diabetes. They skirt around the issues. And if you do want to take advantage of these programs, you have to go to them, at their locations such as an extension agent, or a hospital or other authorized location. Why must we make things difficult? Why can't we make it easy for the end user to get access to these programs? Why can't we get workable programs online?

The one industry that has a proven track record of addressing obesity, managing weight issues, improving health and wellness is the FITNESS INDUSTRY. We have a proven track record of well over 100 years fighing obesity and diseases through fitness and healthy nutrition practices. Heaven forbid these governments actually turn to the professionals that actually have a proven track record addressing these issues.

I know I can't change all the health issues facing Americans today, but I am going to do my best in addressing obesity and diabetes issues as best I can. I have developed a program called The New Directions 2030 Wellness and Lifestyle Initiative. It is simple and straight to the point. And when completely implemented, will make dramatic changes in the lives of all people and bring a new tool (or weapon) in the fight against obesity and diabetes.

We are going to make the program personal; we are going to make it easily accessible; we are going to set up (in the near future) wellness zones in which all people can get physical access to the coaches that we sign up to help in this fight. It is my greatest joy (and passion) to help everyone and I want to make this program available to everyone. We will develop ways to help those who cannot pay and for those that can but it will be a fair and balanced approach.

This is a fight that can be won regardless of your current condition.

Projections for 2030 are not good. Nearly every state is going to experience wide spread health issues that could be called epidemic. Those that have a pre-existing health issue now are going to need to take extra precautions in the next 12 years to ensure their health and lives are not at an extreme risk. And for those that are "healthy" now, well, 12 years can make a big difference if you don't take proactive, preventative steps beginning today. You might be fine now, but where will you be in 12 years? You simply do not know, so why leave anything to chance? I don't.

Please understand, I'm not condemning state government programs. But common sense will tell you, based on their current projections, something isn't working and it's not going to work regardless of all the programs in place. Granted, these programs do help but they are too fragmented and have no direct assault on the diabetes and obesity issues each state faces. And remember, state statistics are based on the population as a whole, as are the provided programs to address these issues. But obesity and diabetes is a very real and very personal issue and programs directed at the residents as a whole of any state simply will not fly if it is YOU that needs to do something.

Those who have diabetes right now, must seek medical help. You cannot allow this disease to go untreated. It can have devistating effects from losing limbs, going blind or death. So PLEASE - seek medical help if you suspect that you have diabetes or you know that you do have it but have done nothing about it. But don't let that stop you from also aggressively pursuing other options either.

The New Directions 2030 Wellness and Lifestyle Initiative can work for those with diabetes and other diseases as well as it can for those that are now healthy and wish to remain that way - 12 years from now and longer.

If you would like more information on The New Directions 2030 Wellness and Lifestyle Initiative, then check out my website at or you can email me at

In the meantime, I wish you all the best in your personal fitness management program.

Stay Strong!

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